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Floral Journey
Experimental Art Exhibition
@ 100ft. PARK, HONG KONG

21.05.2017 - 17.06.2017

What Floral Journey Is All About

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experiences to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear of newer and richer experiences." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Experiences shape who we are and mold the future we will have. Everything we go through, no matter how mundane, carries a potential for great impact.
Using porcelain Lycoris Radiata as the medium, 3 artists express their views on experiences, memories, faith and everything that makes us human. Each porcelain Lycoris Radiata allows us a look back and reflect of what to treasure and what to forget. In front of the vague future, the Lycoris Radiata remind us to reposition once again.

Opening Ceremony
6:45pm - 8:00pm

Life after life,

we all want to reach the other side,

the shore of paradise.

Can the Lycoris Radiata give us a guide?

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@2017 by Floral Journey.

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